Víctor Escandell
Instagram – Behance – Alehop – Facebook

Born in Ibiza and a graduate in Graphic Design at the Escola Massana in Barcelona, he began his professional career as an illustrator in 1989 working for the animation production company D’Ocon Films Productions.
For more than 15 years he has been a contributor to El Periódico de Cataluña, and in the Spanish press, he has also illustrated for the newspapers El Mundo, El País and La Vanguardia.
Since 1994 he has collaborated with the main advertising agencies illustrating national and international graphic and TV campaigns (Havas, Walter Thompson, McCann Erickson, Delvico Bates, TBWA, Euro RSCG, Bassat/Ogylby, SCPF*, FMRG, Casadevall Pedreño, Morera Designetc).
In the publishing world he has published numerous illustrated books, both for children and adults (Chronicle Books, Fischer, Thames & Hudson, Planeta deAgostini, Promopress, La Galera, Parramón, Dwie Siostry, Teide, Contrapunto, Versos y Trazos, Bang! Zahorí Books, etc.), and thanks to his varied stylistic registers, he also collaborates as an illustrator for institutions and companies from different sectors.
In 1998, together with
 Rebeka Elizegi he founded Alehop a studio that offers graphic design and illustration services.
He has been awarded several times for his work in prizes such as: Junceda, Anuaria, Daniel Gil and ÑH05 for Journalistic Design.
In 2007 he was selected as a Catalan-speaking author by the Institut 
Ramon Llull for the exhibition of illustrators at the Frankfurt Book Fair, in 2017 he was selected as a Balearic author by the Institut Ramon Llull and the Institut d’Estudis Baleàrics for the exhibition of illustrators at the Bologna Book Fair, and in 2022 he has been selected for the exhibition of Spanish illustrators at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Awards and Mentions
• APIC Illustration Award, 2024. Finalist. Global category. “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” book, Alma publishing house.
• APIM Award 2024. Non-fiction adult book category. “El gran silencio”. Apache Libros publishing house.
• APIM Award 2023. Non-fiction adult book category. “Arte de prudencia”. Alma publishing house.
• APIM Award 2023. Finalist. Fiction children’s book category. “Un mundo en la chistera”. Apache Libros publishing house.
• APIC Illustration Award, 2020. Finalist. Global category. “Arte de prudencia” book, Alma publishing house.
• Awarded by Penal 40/42 in the XXVI Convocatoria de Ayudas a la Creación Visual, Propuestas VEGAP 2022.
• APIM Illustration Award, 2020. Finalist. Non-fiction adult book category. “El arte de tener razón”. (Arthur Schopenhauer) Editorial Alma.
• Selected by FADIP for the Spanish illustrators exhibition at Frankfurt Book Fair 2022 and Illustre Gestalten 15 Fair (Germany, 2023).
• APIM 2021 Award. Children’s book category. “Enigmas de Ciencia” book, Zahorí Books publishing house.
• APIM Illustration Award, 2020. Finalist. Children’s book category. “Enigmas de ciencia” book, Zahorí Books publishing house.
• APIM Illustration Award, 2020. Finalist. Non-fiction adult book category. “Manual para ser Lomás de Lomás” book, Apache Libros publishing house.
• Hiii Illustration International Competition, 2019. Finalist. “El Niño Nada” book, Bang! publishing house.
• APIM Illustration Award, 2019. Finalist. Children’s book category. “History Enigmas” book, Zahorí Books publishing house.
• APIM Illustration Award, 2019. Finalist. Non-fiction adult book categoryy. “Exploring Black and White” book, Promopress publishing house.
Junceda Illustration Award, 2018. Best non-fiction book category (children and adults). “Enigmas”, Zahorí Books publishing house.
Junceda Illustration Award,  2017. Best adult fiction book category. “El Niño Nada”, Bang! editions.
• Selected as balearic author by the Institut Ramón Llull for the Catalan illustrators exhibition at Bologna Book Fair 2017.
• Enderrock Award, 2015. Finalist Best Cover CD. Musical group “Projecte Mut”.
• Enderrock Award, 2014. Finalist Best Cover CD. Musical group “Projecte Mut”.
• Enderrock Award, 2013. Finalist Best Cover CD. Musical group “Projecte Mut”.
• Anuaria Awards 2013.  Selected. Miscel·lánea section. “Espiritu de Aventura” app.
• Junceda Illustration Award, 2013. Finalist. Adult illustrated book category. “Déjà vu” book, La Galera publishing house.
• Junceda Illustration Award, 2011. Finalist. Adult illuhttp://victorescandell.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=4181&action=edit&lang=en&admin_bar=1#strated book category. “Sinsonte” graphic novel.
• Junceda Illustration Award, 2009. Finalist. Advertising category. Karcher TV spot.
• Junceda Illustration Award, 2009. Finalist. Multimedia category. Promotional video for international fair IFEST.
• Anuaria Award, 2008. Diploma. Miscellaneous category. “Spain” Postcard Series, Escudo de Oro.
• Awards ÑH05 of journalistic design Spain / Portugal 2008. Interior pages.
• Awards ÑH05 of journalistic design Spain / Portugal 2008. Supplement cover.
• Daniel Gil Award, 2007. Diploma. Illustration category “*Normal y corriente”.
• Selected as catalan author by the Institut Ramón Llull for the Catalan illustrators exhibition at Frankfurt Book Fair 2007.
• Junceda Illustration Award, 2006. Best Textbook category. “Guía de la Salud”, Semfyc publishing house.
• Anuaria Award, 2006. Diploma. Best book design “*Normal y corriente”.

Selected bibliography
Maldita Siniestra.(La Oveja Roja, Spain, 2024).
– Mini Enigmas (Sea) (Zahorí Books, cat-cast, Spain / Seuil, France / Escrito con tiza, Chile Il Castello, Italy,, 2024).
– Enigmas of the world (Zahorí Books, cat-cast Spain, / Chronicle Books, USA / Seuil, France / Clavis, Holland / Debit, Poland/ / HVG, Hungary  / Ttarttalo, Vasc Country,, 2024).
– El gran silencio (Apache Libros, Spain, 2023).

Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Friedrich Nietzsche (Alma Editorial, Spain, 2023).
– Un mundo en la chistera (Apache Libros, Spain, 2023).
– Mini Enigmas (Christmas) (Zahorí Books, cat-cast, Spain / Seuil, France / Escrito con tiza, Chile  / Il Castello, Italy / HVG, Hungary / Morphen, Slovenia, 2023).

– Human body Enigmas (Zahorí Books, cat-cast, Spain / Chronicle Books, USA / Seuil, France / Clavis, Holland / Debit, Poland / Euromedia, Czechoslovakia / Il Castello, Italy / HVG, Hungary / Ttarttalo, Vasc Country, 2023).
Creuse-toi les méninges (Saltimbanque Editions, France, 2022).
Arte de prudencia. Baltasar Gracián (Alma Editorial, Spain, 2022).
– Art Enigmas (Zahorí Books, cat-cast Spain, / Seuil, France / Clavis, Holland / Debit, Poland /  Italy, IdeeAli / Ginkgo Book Co, China / Ttarttalo, Vasc Country, 2022).
– Learning vector illustration with adobe illustrator (Bloomsbury visual arts, US, 2021).
– The Art of Being Right. Arthur Schopenhauer (Alma Editorial, Spain, 2021).
– La vida devuelta (Apache Libros, Spain, 2021).
– Manual para querer mucho tu Tierra y todo lo tuyo (Apache Libros, Spain, 2021).
– Double Game (Zahorí Books, cat-cast Spain, 2021).
– Science Enigmas (Zahorí Books, cat-cast Spain, / Chronicle Books, USA / Seuil, France / Clavis, Holland / Debit, Poland / Euromedia, Czechoslovakia / Italy, IdeeAli / Ginkgo Book Co, China / Alma Littera, Latvia / Ttarttalo, Vasc Country, 2021).
– Doble juego (Zahorí Books, cat-cast Spain, / Seuil, France, 2020).
– 101 maneras de empezar a vivir la vida (Zenit – Editorial Planeta, Spain, 2020).
– Manual para ser #LoMás de #LoMás (Apache Libros, Spain, 2019).
– Fear Enigmas (Zahorí Books, cat-cast Spain, / Seuil, France / Clavis, Holland / Debit, Poland / Euromedia, Czechoslovakia / Italy, IdeeAli, 2019).
– El camino a tu casa (La Guarida Ediciones, Spain, 2019).
– Exploring Black and White (Promopress, Spain, USA, 2019).
– History Enigmas  (Zahorí Books, cat-cast Spain, / Chronicle Books, USA  / Seuil, France / Clavis, Holland / Debit, Poland / Chronicle Books, USA, 2018 / Euromedia, Czechoslovakia / Italy, Il Castello, 2018).
– ¿Sabías que…? (Promopress, Spain, USA / Mila Editions, France, 2018).
– Luces de bohemia (Mil coeditores, Spain, 2018).
– Mystery Enigmas (Zahorí Books, cat-cast Spain, / Chronicle Books, USA / Seuil, France / Clavis, Netherlands / Debit, Poland / Seedbooks, Korea / Old Lion House, Ukraine / Mann, Ivanov and Febrer, Russia , Ttarttalo, Vasc Country, 2017-2018-2019).
– La caída de la casa Usher (Apache Books, Spain, 2017).
– Romancero gitano ilustrado (Mil coeditores, Spain, 2017).
– The Resourceful Artist (Promopress, Spain, USA, Italy, France, 2017).
– El Niño Nada (Bang Ediciones, Spain, 2016).
– Monsters of the World (Promopress, Spain, Italy, USA, 2016).
– La aventura de pensar (Parramón, Spain / Parramón France, France, 2015).
– Dinosaurs (Promopress, Spain / T & H, England, 2015).
– El gran libro de los gigantes (Parramón, cast-cat Spain / Parramón France, France, 2014 / Didáctica Editora, Portugal, 2014)).
– A Wonderful World of Animals (Promopress cast-cat Spain / T & H, England, / Fischer Sauerländer, Germany, 2014).
– ¡Fuera Miedos! (Parramón, Spain, 2014).
– Que comenci la festa! (La Galera, Spain, 2012).
– 150 juegos para la estimulación adecuada (Parramón, Spain / Deltas, Holland, 2012).
– Dèjá vu (La Galera, Spain, 2012).
– La herradura (La Oveja Roja, Spain, 2011).
– Sinsonte (Versos y trazos, Spain, 2010)..
– Cuento de la Alhambra (Versos y trazos, cast-cat Spain, 2010).
– Hansel y Gretel (Parramón, Spain, 2010).
– Música para niños (Parramón, Spain / Oskar, France, 2010).
– El Tesoro de la laguna (Versos y trazos, cast-cat Spain, 2009).
– Ciencia para niños (Parramón, Spain / Oskar, France, 2009).
– El príncipe sapo (Versos y trazos, cast-cat Spain, 2008).
– *Normal y corriente (Alehop, Spain, 2006).
– Me llamo Julio Verne (Parramón, Spain / Altin Kitaplar, Turkey, 2004).
– Monstruos queridos (Parramón, Spain, 2003).
– ¡Vamos a jugar! (Parramón, (Parramón, Spain, 2003).
– Masajes para niños (Parramón, Spain, 2003 / SBM, Poland, 2007 / Chantecler, France, 2011).

Wall Street International
Mikeshake Magazine
El Mundo – El Niño Nada.
El Periódico – El Niño Nada.
El Periódico – Sinsonte.
El Mundo de Catalunya.
El Diario de Ibiza.
Lìlla dels llibres.
Fahrenheit77 (Radio)
El Periódico – Junceda Illustration Award, 2017.
El País – Junceda Illustration Award, 2017

– “Propuestas Vegap. Exposición proyectos ganadores 2022”: Art Gallery Conde Duque (Madrid 2023). 
– Illustre Gestalten 15 Fair (Germany, 2023).
– Frankfurt Book Fair (Germany, 2022).
– Premis Junceda 2018 (Barcelona, 2019).
– Premis Junceda 2017 (Barcelona, 2018).
– CentroCentro (Madrid, 2017).
– MOMIX Festival (France, 2017).
– Bologna Book Fair (Italy, 2017)
– Las cosas de Martínez (Barcelona, 2016).
– Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid, 2015).
– Frankfurt Book Fair (Germany, 2007).
– La Caixa Foundation (Ibiza, 1993).
– La Caixa Foundation (Premià de Mar, 1990).